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Help Needed to Complete these Surveys...

Can you spare a few moments to answer one or both of the following short surveys?

  1. Enforcement of the Equality Act

The Women and Equalities Committee has launched an inquiry into the enforcement of the Equality Act 2010 - the legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance equality of opportunity for all. Disability Wales will be responding to this inquiry and we would like to include your thoughts on the current enforcement of the Equality Act for disabled people.

This survey will be open until 21 September.

  1. How accessible are Wales’ train stations?

Poor access to public transport is a key factor preventing disabled people from living the lives they want to in Wales. We are campaigning for improvements to the current rail network in Wales and we want to hear your views on train stations accessibility.

Your feedback is really valuable in helping us to achieve the rights and equality of all disabled people in Wales.

Thank you,

Ruth Nortey

Policy & Research Officer

Disability Wales │ Anabledd Cymru

Brydon House, Block B, Caerphilly Business Park, Van Road, Caerphilly CF83 3ED

Email / Ebost:

Tel / Ffon: 029 2088 7325

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