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Your Vote Matters - Dont Lose it!

We are sharing this today on behalf of The Vale of Glamorgan, Electoral Registration Team. We are currently conducting our Annual Canvass 2018. We are duty bound by law to write to all properties in the Vale of Glamorgan asking for basic information on the residents of each household over the age of 16 in order to update the Electoral Register before the publication on December 1st. We have already sent the first pink Household Enquiry Forms out in July and at the point of the deadline for this letter on August 17th 75% of the Vale of Glamorgan residents had responded to their forms. This is brilliant, however there is still more work to do and we would love to be able to exceed last year’s overall figure which was 88.4%.

We have now written out again to all non-responders with a reminder letter. The deadline date for a response to this is September 20th. After this date we will have no alternative but to send out our house to house canvass teams to knock doors in order to complete the forms. Ultimately there would be a cost saving to the Vale of Glamorgan Council if we can reduce the amount of properties we have to visit as well as a saving on the amount of letters we would have to reprint.

This is where you could help us further. I have attached a poster which has been supplied by the Electoral Commission to try to encourage people to respond. Please would you be kind enough to share this poster on your social media and pop a copy up in your public building? I am going to send out a poster by post as well but I thought I should send the attachment just in case you do not receive it promptly. So the deadline for the remainder is September 20th and after this time we will be knocking doors. We really want to try to encourage as many people as possible to respond to their letters, preferably online wherever possible. It is quick and easy to do with the website and entering the 2 security codes on their form. I have also added our infographic to this email as it may be helpful to use this also.

I would like to take this opportunity to also thank you on behalf of the Electoral Registration Team for your support.

Kind Regards

Linda J Savory

Electoral Registration Public Awareness Officer

Legal Services / Gwasanaethau Cyfreithiol

Vale of Glamorgan Council / Cyngor Bro Morgannwg

tel / ffôn: 01446 709305

e-mail / e-bost:

Visit our Website at

Ewch i'n gwefan yn

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