Project Zero is the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s response to the climate emergency. We have made a commitment to reduce our carbon emissions to net zero by 2030, but the ambition of Project Zero is wider than just reducing the Council’s carbon emissions. Project Zero recognises the Council’s role as a community leader and how through its policies and actions it can work with, support and influence others to make changes to reduce the impact of our actions on climate change.
Today we have published a draft Plan and are seeking your views on our proposals. Our draft sets out the challenges we face and proposed activities to meet these challenges . We set out eighteen challenges framed around the need to demonstrate strong leadership, fulfil our responsibility to current and future generations and to make a difference now. The Plan brings together new projects, work already being undertaken and also recognises the importance of working as a team across the Vale of Glamorgan. The challenges include transport, food, waste, buildings, land and energy.
There are a number of ways you can find out more about Project Zero and comment on out proposals. On ourconsultation webpage there are videos which tell you more about what we have planned. You can also access the draft Challenge Plan and On-line survey on these pages. If you prefer not to complete the survey but want to send us your comments on the draft plan then you can email us
We will also be holding a number of online focus groups and more information about these sessions will follow.
The consultation on the draft plan will end on the 12th May 2021. However, we will continue to engage on this important topic and seek the views and ideas of partners and the community going forward. Please share the details of this consultation with colleagues, friends and others who you think will be interested and we look forward to hearing from you.
Rob Thomas
Project Zero