I am very pleased to let you know that the Sully & District Gardening Society has arranged a talk by Derek Brockway (the 'Weather Man' on BBC) at our first meeting of 2020 on 26th February in the Old School, Sully commencing at 7:30pm doors will be open from 6:45pm.
Derek will be talking on 'Climate Change and How it Affects the Gardens'
We have already received a great deal of interest from our existing Gardening Society members who have already booked their seats. If you would also like to attend this talk, then can you please let me know as soon as possible on 07721017117 or by email at mshepperdson@outlook.com. As the Old School can only accommodate a certain number of seats, please express your interest so we can gauge numbers as we are sure this will be a very popular evening.
The Gardening Society holds monthly meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month where speakers talk on a variety of topics. The cost is £10 per individual or £15 per couple for the year. In addition to the monthly meetings your membership includes a discount at Style Gardens in Wenvoe, a subsidised coach trip and a free cheese and wine social evening with a quiz in November. If you would like to join, please send your details and membership fee to our treasurer at 30 Minehead Avenue, Sully. Alternatively, it is possible to pay at a meeting.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Mike Shepperdson