NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Casual Vacancy exists
for the above named Council and if no election is requested
as below the Community Council will fill the vacancy by way
of co-option.An election will be held if TEN local government electors for
the Sully Ward give notice, electronically by email to of a request for such an
election to the Returning Officer, The Vale of Glamorgan
Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, no
later than 12 o'clock midnight on Thursday 12 November
Dated 26 October 2020
Steve Oaten
Sully and Lavernock Community Council
Jubilee Hall
Smithies Avenue
Vale of Glamorgan
CF64 5SX
In compliance with the Local Government (Coronavirus) (Postponement of Elections) (Wales)
Regulations 2020, if an election is requested before 31 January 2021 this will be postponed
and held between 1 February 2021 and 16 April 2021. The specific date will be scheduled by
the Returning Officer in due course.
HYSBYSIAD CYHOEDDUS - Cymuned Sili ac Larnog – Ward Sili
RHODDIR HYSBYSIAD TRWY HYN bod Sedd Wag ar gael ar y Cyngor a enwir uchod ac os nas gofynnir am etholiad fel y nodir isod bydd y Cyngor Cymuned yn llenwi’r swydd wag ar sail cyfetholiad.
Cynhelir etholiad os bydd DEG o etholwyr llywodraeth leol Ward Sili yn rhoi hysbysiad, yn electronig drwy e-bost i o gais am etholiad o'r fath i'r Swyddog Canlyniadau, Cyngor Bro Morgannwg, Swyddfeydd Dinesig, Holton Road, Barry CF63 4RU, heb fod yn hwyrach na 12 o'r gloch hanner nos ddydd Iau 12 Tachwedd 2020.
Dydd 26 Hydref 2020
Steve Oaten
Cyngor Cymuned Sili a Larnog
Neuadd Jiwbili
Rhodfa Smithies
Bro Morgannwg
CF64 5SX
Yn unol â Rheoliadau Llywodraeth Leol (Coronafirws) (Gohirio Etholiadau) (Cymru) 2020, os gofynnir am etholiad cyn 31 Ionawr 2021 bydd hwn yn cael ei ohirio a'i gynnal rhwng 1 Chwefror 2021 a 16 Ebrill 2021. Bydd y dyddiad penodol yn cael ei drefnu gan y Swyddog Canlyniadau maes o law.