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At the January meeting of the Saving Sully and Lavernock Group it was proposed that the Group look into the possibility of providing a War Memorial within the village of Sully.

We, therefore, approached the Community Council to see if they wished to be part of this project, to which I am delighted to say the Council have agreed to give their full support and will be part of the working group. This proposal is obviously at a very early stage but the sub group would like to hear from local residents in respect of their views.

Currently there is a plaque in St John’s Church depicting the names of those who gave their lives in World Wars 1 and 2, however, there is nothing in regard to local people who gave their lives in later conflicts such as Northern Ireland, The Falklands, Iraq , Iran, Afghanistan, so we are looking into this. If anyone has any information please do not hesitate to contact us.

A site has been identified which is in the ownership of the Vale of Glamorgan Council who have indicated to us that they are prepared to consider a transfer of ownership to the Community Council under a Community Asset Transfer. We are also looking at various ways to fund this project and to that end we are beginning to look at the National Lottery, the War Memorial Trust etc. We will still however have to raise capital ourselves via local events such as sponsored walks, crowd funding, (we are arranging a sponsored walk on Sunday 7th July to raise money towards this project).

We are not looking to celebrate war or victory, but we are looking to commemorate those who gave their lives during the various conflicts. These memorials are important because they act as historical touchstones.

As stated above we are at a very early stage in this project and would be grateful for any assistance whatsoever.

My email address is or mobile 07901 716894.


Stephen Thomas

Chairman Sully and Lavernock Group

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