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BBC Children in Need Funding Surgery

Thursday 1st March 2018 Barry Community Enterprise Centre

Children running picture

Glamorgan Voluntary Services is pleased to announce that a day of pre-booked appointments has been organised in collaboration with BBC Children in Need. The opportunity to access this very popular funding programme is open to voluntary and community groups that work with disadvantaged children and young people. Groups serving the Vale of Glamorgan will be able to apply for a 30 minute appointment with James Bird, BBC Children in Need grants officer, to discuss the eligibility and potential of a project proposal. Groups that wish to apply must be available anytime between 10.00am and 5.00pm on Thursday 1st March 2018. There will be a maximum of ten appointments available on the day.

To apply for an appointment please forward an outline of your project proposal (no more than one side of A4), preferably by e-mail, to dave@gvs.walesor by post to GVS, Barry Community Enterprose Centre, Skomer Raod, Barry, CF62 9DA. Applications must be received by Friday 23rd February 2018. Successful applicants will be advised of their appointment time by Tuesday 27th February 2018.

BBC Children in Need supports stable, well-managed, and effective organisations that work with disadvantaged children and young people aged 18 years and under living in the UK (groups that work with people of all ages may also apply as long as the project is focused on work with those aged 18 and under). Disadvantaged children and young people include those affected by: • illness, distress, abuse, or neglect; • any kind of disability; • behavioural or psychological difficulties; • living in poverty or situations of deprivation. The application should focus on the children your project will work with and the differences that your project will make for them. You should be able to clearly demonstrate the link between the disadvantage and how your project will change the lives of the children involved for the better. Where possible it should take into account their views and involve them in decisions that affect them.

Like many funders BBC Children in Need has a list of work that it will notfund as follows: • For work which statutory bodies (such as schools or local authorities) have a duty to fund • To local government or NHS bodies • For building projects applying to us for more than £20,000 • For projects which promote religion • To fund trips or projects abroad • For medical treatment or research • For pregnancy testing or advice, information or counselling on pregnancy choices • For awareness-raising work, except where it is targeted at those children or young people most at risk. • For bursaries, sponsored places, fees or equivalent • To individuals (unless an eligible organisation is applying on their behalf or through our Emergency Essentials Programme). • To be passed on to other organisations, for example, PTAs applying on behalf of schools • For general appeals or endowment funds • To help with budget shortfalls or debt repayments • To projects where the grant expenditure is due to start before the grant award date (retrospective funding) • To projects unable to start within 12 months of the grant award date • For unspecified expenditure • For organisational overheads or running costs which the organisation would incur whether the project was running or not. (Although we will consider funding support costs incurred as a direct result of running the project.) Main Grants of over £10,000 can be awarded for up to three years at a time (with the exception of holidays/residentials which can only be funded for one year at a time). Small Grants of £10,000 a year for up to 3 years are also available. Our funding is accessible all year round with Main Grant deadlines of 17th May 2018 and 13th September 2018 and Small Grant deadlines of 13th May 2018, 2nd September 2018 and 2nd December 2018. To help you check if you are eligible to apply for funding please read the following carefully: • applicants must be a constituted not for profit group with a bank or building society account and at least two unrelated cheque signatories; • applicants must have a written child protection policy; • applicants must have adequate and appropriate insurance. More information is available at:

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